Vietnam War veteran Carmen Turrisi Jr. was named the grand marshal of the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27 in Newton. The parade also was scheduled to honor World War II veteran Cornelius ‘Neal’ Faber, shown at left. (Photos by Maria Kovic) Vietnam War vet is parade grand marshal Vietnam War veteran Carmen Turrisi Jr. was named the grand marshal of the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27 in Newton.... Local News 28 May 2024 | 05:59
Chris Wyman, a Navy veteran, is wrapped in a Quilt of Valor. At left is Carol Johnson, leader of the Sussex County Quilters. (Photos provided) Lunch honors Vietnam War veterans Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice held a “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans” lunch March 30 at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5360 in... Local News 03 Apr 2023 | 02:20