Looking back was good for Coke, Germany It is said, “Ignorance can be educated, crazy can be medicated, but there is no cure for stupid.” At least one of these three... Letters to the Editor 03 Apr 2024 | 04:01
Mabel Roy (left) and Linda Gallup marching in New Jersey protesting the separation of immigrant children from their parents. “Can’t do the walking that much anymore like I was,” Roy said. “So I go the postcard route or letter to the editor route.” Surprise! You wrote a letter to the newspaper Between Jan. 2 and Jan. 5, Straus News received nine very similar letters to the editor, warning against the dangers of a... Local News 22 Jan 2024 | 01:56
A false equivalency To the Editor: George Floyd was murdered on video for everyone to see and people united in their indignation took to the streets... Letters to the Editor 27 Jan 2021 | 12:51
The people must decide the election, not Trump’s authoritarian voting rules To the Editor: I am writing in response to David Togno and Jochem Kresse. First, Mr. Kresse, I would like to thank you for... Letters to the Editor 21 Sep 2020 | 06:16
Where do we go from here? Mr. Klumpp obviously is not one of the deplorable MAGA haters and probably seethes every day he either sees or hears President... Letters to the Editor 29 Jan 2020 | 12:16
Trump admin attacks on New Jersey are fueled by xenophobia and white supremacy The Trump administration has persistently worked to undermine what the people and elected officials have chosen in New Jersey.... Letters to the Editor 28 Jan 2020 | 09:07
It's time to reject hate mongering and lies There is no way I'm not going to respond to Skip Danielson's letter in last week's Township Journal. According to Skip, every... Letters to the Editor 28 Jan 2020 | 01:41
People who block the very evidence that they say would prove them innocent, aren't innocent Regarding Mr. Danielson’s letter in the January 23, 2020 Township News he quoted from Justice Louis Brandeis who stated that... Letters to the Editor 26 Jan 2020 | 04:07
The rule of law, seriously? Let us look at the rule of law under Trump. He proposed opening libel laws on newspapers for criticizing them, which is unconstitutional.... Letters to the Editor 23 Sep 2019 | 02:10