Magdalen Costello, left, a sophomore at Pope John XXIII Regional High School, and her sister Olivia, both of Green Township, hold a proclamation from the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners recognizing their work with the Weekend Bag program. (Photo by Maria Kovic) Commissioners delay warehouse vote The Sussex County Board of County Commissioners tabled a vote on an amendment to the Sussex County Wastewater Management... Local News 06 Aug 2024 | 09:15
From left, sisters Magdalen and Olivia Costello march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 18 in Newton to highlight the Weekend Bag Program to fight hunger. (Photo by John Hester) Meeting today to highlight juvenile food insecurity Residents are invited to join the Weekend Bag Program in a town hall setting to support and recognize juvenile food insecurity... Local News 11 Apr 2023 | 08:25