Lights of Life program a success

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:44

    Upon seeing all those in attendance at the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice’s Lights of Life Memorial Services prompts me to thank those who contribute to the making this program a success year over year. The event was held in three locations; On Nov. 30 in Warren County, Dec. 1 in Milford, Penn., and the final and most recent was held Friday evening, Dec. 9 at the Performing Arts Center at Sussex County Community College. The Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Foundation Board and Marketing staff wants to express gratitude in an huge way to our major sponsor who donates the monies to help organize the event and provide for the lit trees throughout all three event areas including on the campus of SCCC as well as on the Newton square; Memorial Park in Milford, and the Wayne Dumont Administration Building in Belvidere, NJ. Illiff-Ruggiero Funeral Home has partnered with the hospice for over a decade keeping the memories of our loved ones alive and shining over the holiday season. Both Louis and Dominick Ruggiero partake in the events giving their time as well as their resources. It is clearly in keeping with the spirit of the event that their generosity shines. And there are many others we would like to thank for helping us stage the event by providing their personal talents. Laura Fagan donated her time and played her bagpipes and vocalists Jenn Smetana and Thomas Sharkey provided musical selections along with the readers of names and Friends of Hospice volunteers who also donate their time. Cecelia Clayton, Hospice Executive Director, attends every event to give a reflection on what the season means to those who have lost loved ones. “Every year we symbolize the event with a special ornament, and every year I am challenged to develop meaning for those in attendance.” Clayton continues, “out of all the events the hospice holds, this one is dear to my heart for memories are the only thing that we can count on to last.” Julia Quinlan, the matriarch and president of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice and Memorial Board speaks to her loss each year and what that loss has achieved for so many. The Hospice is very appreciative of all friends, new and old, who have found their way to contributing their loved ones names and are awarded with a new lapel star that commemorates their season and loved one lost. If anyone would like more information of the lights of life please visit our website. listed under events. Dr. Roxanne Debski-Seigel Director of Marketing and Advancement Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice and Memorial Foundation