To the Editor:
Will it take a tragedy before safety measures are put in place at the Appalachian Trail crossing on Route 94 in Vernon? It is an extremely popular portion of the trail, yet here is no signage warning of the crossing, no crosswalk on the roadway, and no roadside shoulder. As a result, where the Boardwalk meets Route 94 people are stepping directly onto the roadway as traffic is approaching to either cross the road to continue on the trail or to walk to Heaven Hill Farm.
On the Stairway-to-Heaven side of Route 94, people are crossing the roadway wherever they please to get to Heaven Hill Farm as traffic approaches in both directions. Again, all of this on a curve in the roadway with no safety measures in place.
With the added popularity of Heaven Hill Farm in the fall season, this situation only gets more dangerous. That nothing has been done to date is reprehensible.
I ask our town officials and Appalachian Trail representatives to work with our county and state representatives to correct this dangerous situation without further delay.
Michael Kirchmer