To the Editor:
Our agency continues to care for people in need of substance use disorder evaluations, outpatient treatment, and intensive outpatient treatment. Counselors are utilizing Telehealth services for all needed levels of outpatient care. Our phone line is manned Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., taking calls from clients and others looking for support and we continue to conduct substance use disorder intakes over the phone.
We are providing online recovery support resources by providing people a place to call and access support services. We are outreaching with emails, texts and written notes of encouragement to support our clients and those in need of recovery support. We have increased the number of staff to operate the CLEAR toll-phone line (844-722-5327) by having recovery coaches available to take calls and make calls 24/7 to serve those in need of speaking to a recovery coach.
Medication-assisted treatment services are being provided by our medical consultant, Genesis Addiction and Behavioral Medicine, via telemedicine. Narcan trainings are being provided virtually, and kits are available for those whotake the “virtual” training.
Our Prevention Team is offering a variety of virtual programs to youth, families, individuals and school staff.
We continue to serve our community and encourage anyone affected by addiction to reach out for assistance. We are here to serve our community!
Becky Carlson, Executive Director
Center for Prevention and Counseling.