To the Editor:
The governor’s request and stand not to open parks is indeed a serious one. Sure, Sussex County has a lesser population than many other counties like Bergen, which is in the midst of the epidemic with many casualties and bereavement. But on a per capita basis, our county is in the same league.
Every county has been asked to close parks and, yes, people dislike it. But have we looked at a state like California, where some parks could swallow New Jersey, and, yet, with a 40 million plus population has a rate of death so low that it is unbelievable. The state has closed massive parks.
Let us take High Point State Park. It is not only used by Sussex County residents, but a large number of people are from Port Jervus, and from other areas north and south of that.
I shop at the Wal-Mart in Franklin, and finally see the entire staff with masks -- a wonderful site to see -- and yet, customers come in the store with nothing, including their children.
Yeah, that happens everywhere, but is it not time to stop political pandering in this county. Our governor is doing an excellent job, as are the governors in neighboring states, and California, far away, has a governor and Los Angeles mayor that are doing an amazing part. They, too, closed their parks.
We have had to many silly notions in the last few months over immigrants, gun laws, and everything under the sun. Start governing and stop looking for silly attention. Newton has a fine park, but it is small, and this is not the time for this kind of stance. Stay home, watch church or synagogue at home, This is not politics as usual!
Bill Weightman