On Dec. 3, the Andover Township Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #177 held its 11th annual Toys for Tots dinner and fundraiser.
There were approximately 250 people in attendance, with each person bringing new unwrapped gifts to be donated to families in need.
Snake Oil Willie and Cowboy provided all the entertainment, Dominick’s Pizza provided a catered dinner, and dessert was provided by Bagel Bistro, Three Little Hearts Bakery, and Windsor House Tea Room and Bakery.
All beverages were donated by Farmstead Golf & Country Club and Bob Hannemann.
Toys For Tots apparel was designed and donated by Jersey Shirts and Design, with all proceeds going toward the purchase of toys.
Several other donations were made by local businesses for prizes for those in attendance.
The event collected enough toys to fill a 6x12 enclosed trailer.
Toy donations were also made by the Wharton American Legion.
After receiving several monetary donations from local businesses as well as local residents, the Andover Township FOP Lodge was able to purchase over $6,000 in additional toys.
The toys this year were provided to numerous local organizations that placed the toys into the homes of hundreds of families around the county.
This event is a humbling experience for our lodge members, and we have the community to thank for the overwhelming amount of support year after year.
We look forward to continuing this event in the future and again express our utmost appreciation to our community and event sponsors.
The Andover Township FOP Lodge #177 would like to thank all who attended the event as well as all who generously donated to this cause.
Special thanks to:
Dominick’s Pizza
JJ Rich Demolition
Terco Construction
Jersey Shirts and Design
Hudson Farm/Griffin & Howe
Snake Oil Willie and Cowboy
Farmstead Golf & Country Club
Bob Hannemann
Bagel Bistro
Three Little Hearts Bakery
Windsor House Tea Room and Bakery
Wharton American Legion
All our volunteers.
Andover Township Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #177