I am writing to express my gratitude to the friends and neighbors that formed the non-profit, Sparta for Responsible Development. This group of fellow citizens became aware of the warehouse development, organized and took immediate action. All while most are working full time jobs and attending to their own family responsibilities, they have been working tirelessly and sacrificing so much for those of us who cannot. Just attending the long and frustrating town council meetings and planning board meetings alone is nothing short of amazing. Also, a huge thank you to the spouses, family members and friends that have endured interrupted meals, missed events and lack of attention. Your support is essential... please keep it up!
The fight to stop the warehouse development will be long, expensive and will require a huge amount of dedication and sacrifice. I am so glad that these super talented and determined people have stepped up.
The entire county will be adversely impacted by this warehouse development, and no matter where you live in Sparta you should care. The biggest impact you can have right now is to attend the next planning board meeting on July 6th at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.
Sparta Responsible Development has joined together with the New Jersey Highlands Coalition so all donations are tax-deductible. This means that if you would like to make a financial donation that will help to cover the cost of expert testimony necessary to prove the negative impacts on our environmental resources, our infrastructure and our quality of life that this project will have – you can!
Go to spartaforresponsibledevelopment.org and click the DONATE NOW button. Make sure to add note Sparta Responsible Development or SRD in the memo.
Sparta is such a special town...let’s keep it that way!
Susan Hannon