Schick aids small businesses

| 16 May 2024 | 10:10

    Commissioner Earl Schick has been a breath of fresh air on our Board of County Commissioners.

    His no-nonsense work ethic and unquestionable loyalty toward his constituents makes me proud to work with him whenever I get the chance.

    As an elected official, I have had the pleasure of sitting and coordinating multiple local issues the town of Hopatcong faces. His consistent support, creative solutions and ability to stay focused on the problems at hand makes me hopeful that many of our towns in Sussex County will see a bright future ahead.

    As a local business owner, Earl understands the importance of keeping government small but effective. Owners open in Sussex County because of the business-friendly atmosphere we all work so hard to cultivate.

    As a commissioner, Earl has been at the forefront of working with small businesses to ensure they have the tools they need to succeed in Sussex while also helping to streamline the ease in which they are able to operate and grow here in the county.

    On June 4, be sure to vote for the man who has not only built his own business here in Sussex County but the commissioner who understands first-hand what struggles owners face on a daily basis.

    Vote for a partner in success. Vote to elect Earl Schick as our Sussex County commissioner!

    Bradley Hoferkamp


    Editor’s note: Hoferkamp is a member of the Hopatcong Borough Council.