Roseff put Byram’s taxpayers first

Newton /
| 26 May 2024 | 10:39

    When department heads of local government entities or other politicians endorse a candidate running for office, it’s not because they’re the best person for the job. It’s usually because they’ll vote the way they’re told to on matters that come before them.

    Sussex County voters have an opportunity to elect two new county commissioners who will put the taxpayer first and provide transparency if they feel the residents of Sussex County are being misled.

    Harvey Roseff is a candidate who over the years has been vocal when he believes something is wrong or is being covered up, such as Byram’s town government misleading the residents that they needed to pass a $9.7 million bond to fund a new municipal building.

    As a Byram councilman, Harvey Roseff wrote a letter to the editor rejecting the proposed building and explaining why. Roseff was the only councilman to vote against the bond issue because he felt the project was too costly; he wasn’t intimidated by the other council members and put Byram’s taxpayers first.

    Roseff is placing confidence in Robert Kovic by running on the same ticket, and for that reason I will be voting for these two candidates.

    New Jersey voters at all levels of government continue to vote for incumbents and expect things to get better.

    New Jersey’s problems will only get better when voters wake up and realize it’s time for new leaders.

    Grow a spine. Vote Kovic and Roseff for Sussex County commissioner.

    Tris Tristram
