I am tremendously disappointed by your choice to publish the rainbow-clad derriere of drag performer “Cookie Doe” on the front page of your June 15-21, 2023, edition.
I am a bisexual male. Pride month, and, indeed, gay (etc.) pride itself, are ridiculous and offensive concepts. One’s sexuality is nothing to be proud of. There is no accomplishment there.
Furthermore, I am not a member of a community. I am an individual. There is no “gay community.” I have as much in common with the next gay man as I do with a toaster, and he with the next gay man as a toothbrush.
The only pride I have regarding my sexuality is that there are so many things about me that are much more interesting than it is. It is nobody’s business what I do in my private life. Nobody cares, and that’s the way it should be.
Why are a rogue, vocal minority of insecure, self-centered non-heterosexuals allowed to speak for the majority of us who are still sane?
“Cookie Doe” is pictured performing for children. For those who are unaware, drag performances are highly sexual. If adults want to participate, great!
But is this really who you want to advertise as the representative of non-heterosexual adults?! Why?! So you can teach them that being gay means being a male making a garish mockery of womanhood?Thanks.
Thanks, “Cookie Doe,” and thanks, Township Journal, for being complicit in making me out to be a freak.
How about having the gay man down the block who works at the deli come talk to the kids for pride month? No. You choose what makes us look perverted and insane. Your complicity is disgraceful.
Perhaps worst of all - Max and Sam Masih, who have both obtained two diplomas in two months, are relegated to the sidebar, so you can show “Cookie Doe” swirling his rainbow umbrella and indoctrinating children. Absolutely disgraceful.
Feel free to publish this anywhere you want. I sincerely doubt you will because it doesn’t support the approved agenda.
Steven Bristol