To the Editor:
After reading Ms. Sue Speck’s letters to the editor for three weeks in a row, and the reasoned responses that they’ve garnered, I thought that I might try a different approach to this very important topic.
I was tempted, like several others tried, to correct scientific misinformation (mRNA does not affect your DNA at all), or to discredit her sources of information (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s organization has for many years claimed that various vaccines cause autism, ADHD, food allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases). But I’m pretty sure that those efforts would fall on deaf ears.
Instead, I propose, to anyone who still might have an open mind on this issue, three simple words: Ask your doctor. Yes, the same doctor who you’ve trusted for years with your and your children’s health. The same doctor who is unlikely to be part of a national conspiracy or media cover-up. The same doctor who is in a much better position than you to be able to distinguish between scientific truth and dangerous misinformation.
If you trust your doctor, I implore you to ask him or her your questions, believe their answers, and follow their advice.
Rick Schluter