United Way annual Day Of Caring set for Sept. 30
sussex county - United Way of Sussex County's annual Day of Caring will be held on Sept. 30. Sponsored by The Bank of New York, the event unites volunteers from local companies and organizations to work together on behalf of human services agencies and the people of Sussex County. United Way's Community Resource Associate, Maria Fedele-Savage, together with Blair Schreiber, Hampton branch vice president of The Bank of New York, have been preparing for the event. "The Bank of New York is proud to be part of this community event," Schreiber said. Volunteers will be painting Samaritan Inn apartments, gardening at Domestic Abuse Services, and painting at a local day care center. Ideal Farms is opening its fields to Day of Caring volunteers to pick tomatoes and other produce to be supplied to local food pantries. Volunteers will read to seniors at the Homestead and plant flowers at Liberty Towers. United Way's Annual Caring Connection will wrap up at Newton Memorial Hospital, which is collecting duffel bags to be filled with personal care items by local Rotary Clubs, Stacker Bus Company, and the Soropomist Group. The bags will be given to the children served by Division of Youth and Family Services and Interfaith Hospitality Network. "This day is a terrific way to show how through hard work, a community can accomplish so much," said Fedele-Savage. For more information, call 973-579-3040.