Sussex-Wantage Little League asks to get back on ballfield for April practice

Sussex. The Sussex-Wantage Little League is expecting to run a full season this year and asked the Sussex Borough Council on Jan. 19 for access to the Brookside Park ballfield.
The league president, Steve Kosinski, said the league started registration at the beginning of January and hopes to get on the field for practice in April, before opening day in the second or third week of that month.
Councilman Robert Holowach said many Covid restrictions around sports have been lifted. The field was closed to sports for most of 2020.
Mayor Edward Meyer suggested that Kosinski work with council members Charles Fronheiser and Jake Little to work out a plan.
“My concern was council mentioned that field was going to be closed for sports, but now that Mr. Holowach said the restrictions are lifted, we have to decide if the fields are going to be ready for sports,” said the borough administrator, Antoinette Smith.
Meyer suggested also getting the Department of Public Works supervisor, Brian Demarest, involved in the conversation.