Playground may go up at Boggs Field this fall
Sussex. The site has been staked out and surveyed. Whether the playground is built this year depends on whether the donor gets enough grant money to cover the cost.

Sussex Borough’s new playground at Boggs Field could be put up as early as this fall, Sussex Borough Councilman Mario Poggi announced on April 20.
The playground area was surveyed and staked out on April 19, he said.
Poggi said he met with representatives of Alexandra’s Playgrounds, which is donating the playground, and went through the checklist, highlighting the responsibility of the site owner.
The borough almost hit a snag when it was revealed it would have to conduct a soil test, which was estimated to cost between $5,000 and $8,000. However, Norwescap Child and Family Resource Services came through for the borough. Joe Falusky and Andy Swanson of Natural Sciences donated the test, coming out to the site to do soil samples.
Poggi said the site can be seen from Elizabeth Avenue.
The playground could be assembled this fall if Alexandra’s Community Build Playgrounds, a nonprofit organization, secures enough grant money. If not, it won’t happen until 2022.
“We are hoping they do, which means there will have to be some construction meetings as the date gets closer,” Poggi said.
Mayor Edward Meyer said he knows contractors who can excavate the necessary four to six inches for gravel to be placed.
“This is generating a lot of excitement in the borough,” Poggi said. “People are behind this playground. They’re very much into it. It’s a good thing for the borough and I’m glad we’re moving forward.”
“This is generating a lot of excitement in the borough. People are behind this playground. They’re very much into it.” Councilman Mario Poggi