Payne family featured in Water Skier Magazine
Newton. Lake Mohawk Ski Hawks: Patrick Payne of Newton wins first place in Men’s Trick Ski. Courtney Payne and Kendra Payne, and their close friend Lauren O’Connor of Sparta, win accolades.

Patrick Payne of Newton graces the pages of fall 2020 The Water Skier Magazine. He won first place in the national championship trick skiing event at the 2020 Indmar Show Ski Nationals, held August 8-9 in Janesville, Wisconsin.
The Payne family and several of their skiing friends attended the championship after placing and qualifying at the Regionals held in July in Sanford, Maine. As members of the Lake Mohawk Ski Hawks, these talented youth honed their skiing skills over the years and set out to compete on the regional and national stage.
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Patrick’s sisters, teen water ski swivelers Courtney Payne and Kendra Payne, and their close friend Lauren O’Connor of Sparta, headed to Maine in July to the The Flaunt It, Swivel It “Whirled” Cup Skiing Competition, placing first in 180 swivel and third and fourth in Open Swivel, respectively. These young women, along with 16-year-old Patrick, then went to the National Ski Show Championship in Wisconsin to earn additional accolades, including Patrick’s first-place medal in Men’s Trick Ski.
”I loved this wonderful Wisconsin water to ski on,” said Patrick on stage after his championship performance.
It sounds like the whole family is ready to ski again in 2021.