Newton Country Club offers high school students free use of golf course
Newton. Club wants to help students throughout Sussex County salvage a sports season lost to COVID-19.

The Newton Country Club is offering Sussex County high school golf team members free access to its golf course for the 2020 summer season.
“The members and Board of Trustees at Newton Country Club feel terrible about what the Covid situation did to the sports activities at your schools, and we sympathize especially with the scholar athletes at your schools who lost out on their sports seasons,” wrote Jeff Bonham in a letter to Sussex County High School athletic directors and golf team coaches, on behalf of the membership and board of trustees. “Unlike other sports that were lost, we feel that golf can be salvaged a bit, and we’d like to help do something about that.”
“Thank you to coaches Rich Lepes from Newton and Brian St. John from Pope John (the two schools that use Newton Country Club as their home course) for helping us put this together and giving us your contact information,” he continued. “Thank you for what you do to help our young people become productive citizens. The membership and staff at Newton Country Club are excited to see the young student athletes on the links with us this summer.”
Mike Briegel is president of the country club, and Robin Kohberger is the head golf professional.
For more information, email Jeff Bonham at