The best location for Vernon’s planned municipal bicycle pump track is in the town center area, off Black Creek Drive, said Mayor Howard Burrell at the township’s Aug. 24 meeting. “This location will significantly enhance the value of the proposed Town Center Bike and Walking Trail, and contribute to helping that trail achieve one of its key objectives - - that of attraction families, visitors, and other potential customers to that portion of our town that I and others believe will enable Vernon to achieve the maximum potential of its economic assets in a way that will improve the long-term vitality of the township,” Burrell said. He noted that the town already has sewer service lines in that area. The location is “one of the many beautiful and safe locations in our township for families and visitors to enjoy.” A pump track is a circuit of rollers, banked turns, and other features that allow “pumping” — momentum generated by a rider’s up and down body movements, instead of pedaling or pushing. Burrell said the track will be designed to be completely safe for all family members.