SCCC security guard publishes book

NEWTON "I want to stress that I wrote this for the grandchildren," John Klumpp said, still in his Sussex County Community College (SCCC) security uniform. He holds a copy of his newly published book, "An Ordinary Guy, An Extraordinary Tale: My Life and Times," using it to give examples of its content. His book is written as both a memoir and a history book, displaying his life as it paralleled important events in United States history, such as Martin Luther King Jr., JFK's assassination, Vietnam, and Watergate. Klumpp, a three year security guard working at SCCC, got the idea for the book when he tried to get his father to write down some family history for his children. When his father passed away, Klumpp decided that he would follow through with his own suggestion. After a couple of years he found he had enough anecdotes to make a book. He finally sent it to get published under the persistence of SCCC colleagues Donna Richards and Gary Mielo. He boasts that he has over one hundred years of family history to give to his two granddaughters. The book can be purchased in hard or soft cover on (Barnes and Noble) and