'Thank You, Soldiers' resounds at Valley Road School assembly

| 15 Nov 2017 | 03:55

By Laurie Gordon
— Last Wednesday, Valley Road School in Stanhope honored area veterans with a breakfast, provided by the Stanhope Education Association, and powerful program to let them know how very important they are.
District Superintendent Timothy Nicinski welcomed over 20 veterans and their guests to the assembly and invited students, staff, and community members to "take a sacred moment to remember those who sacrifice their lives every moment to achieve peace and democracy."
Seventh grade student Angelo Fortunato read an essay that he had written to the assembly on how he feels about having a father who served in the military.
"The good part is my dad’s bravery and all he went through makes me feel safe at home or whenever we are together," he said. “As we all celebrate Veteran’s Day this year, don’t forget to show respect for the people who defend our lives with a simple salute."
Fortunato said he may even serve in the Navy himself one day and become a canine trainer. Other essays were read by students Mia Vergano and Anthony Kali.
Former interim superintendent, Robert McCann, a Vietnam veteran who served in the US Navy, returned to Valley Road School to share his thoughts on serving in the military. He emphasized the importance of helping our veterans in any we can
Both the Valley Road School band and chorus and the Lenape Valley Regional High School band and chorus performed.
The event also featured a Procession of Veterans, the Posting of Colors by the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 91 and Girl Scout Troop 96099 Brownies and Daises.
The Kindergarden classes sang “Flag of America," the fourth grade performed, “Thank you, Soldiers,” and the third grade sang, “You're a Grand Old Flag.” Superintendent Nicinski did a Recognition of Those Who Have Served with Student Council Members Anna Verdon, President; Julia Mahood, Vice President; Mia Schuddeboom, Secretary; and Joanna Cecere, Treasurer. The Valley Road School Chorus and the LVRHS Chorus led “A Tribute to the Armed Services.” The keynote speaker was Robert McCann.
Staff members participated in fundraiser for the G.I. Go fund, a non-profit organization that helps veterans with employment, housing and healthcare. Staff members paid $5 each to wear jeans to support the event, raising $205 for the cause. Nicinski spoke about this at the event and made the presentation.
The lyrics of the song "Thank you, Soldiers" by Michael and Angela Souders, sung by the fourth grade classes at the gathering, summed up the tribute to the veterans:
“When I lay my head down every night/ And go to sleep in peace/ I can stay there knowing all is well/ While you’re standing on your feet/ Keeping watch, protecting shore to shore/ In the air and oceans, too/ Defending freedom at all cost/ For the red, white and the blue/ Thank you, oh, thank you/ Men and women brave and strong/ To those who serve so gallantly/ We sing this grateful song/ To the soldiers who have traveled on/ To countries far and near/ In peace and war you paid the price/ For the cause you hold so dear/ That we may wake each morning bright/ And know that freedom rings/ Because of your great sacrifice/ Your country joins to sing.”