‘Take a Book, Share a Book’ outside the Van Bunschooten Museum
Wantage. The Chinkchewunska Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a Little Free Library that replicates the Greek Revival privy of the Van Bunschooten Museum.

Members of Chinkchewunska Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution held a ribbon cutting on Oct. 10 for their newly erected Little Free Library.
The library that now stands outside the DAR’s Van Bunschooten Museum, located at 1097 Route 23 North in Wantage, was designed by a local carpenter to replicate the Greek Revival privy on the museum property.
Bonnie Matthews, State Regent for New Jersey Daughters of the American Revolution, was at the ceremony. Money for the project was raised by a group of Jammers within the chapter — members who donated the ingredients and made their trademark jam called Uncle Sam Jam using local, seasonal ingredients. The jam was sold at the chapter’s fund raisers and events.
The Little Free Library is a nationwide, non-profit organization that is the world’s largest book-sharing movement. Its motto is “Take a Book, Share a Book,” and there are more than 100,000 boxes worldwide. Community members and passers-by are welcome and encouraged to share and to leave new or used books in the box. It is stocked with a variety of children’s and adult’s books. A journal that visitors are welcome to sign is tucked inside.