Sparta Woman’s Club lays wreaths to honor veterans
Sparta. The club sponsored 34 wreaths that were laid on graves at Northern New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery. The names of each veteran memorialized at the ceremony were read aloud.

The Sparta Woman’s Club participated in the national laying of wreaths at the new Northern New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Sparta on Dec. 19.
This was a join effort with the McAfee Fire Department and the Vietnam Veterans of America, Wallkill Valley Chapter #1002, who are sponsors of the cemetery. Every year wreaths are laid on the graves of veterans as a commemoration in their honor. This ceremony is conducted throughout the United States at precisely the same time, including at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.
In Sparta, a wreath for each branch of the military service was ceremonially dedicated in gratitude to our valiant and noble veterans. A tribute speech was given by Brigadier General Vincent F. Malone II and other dignitaries of each military branch. Family members of the deceased buried at the cemetery placed wreaths saying the name of each veteran being honored.
The Sparta Woman’s Club sponsored 34 wreaths. The names of each veteran memorialized at the ceremony were read aloud. Kathy Shepard and Marianne Bayliss, co-presidents, and Janet Knecht, chair, attended the ceremony. The membership donated 34 wreaths to the event. Proceeds are designated for Pets for Vets for surviving Veterans.