Practice makes perfect harmony
SLOATSBURG, NY — The first weekend in May was an exciting one for Harmony in Motion! Approximately 32 of its members spent time together on their annual retreat at St. Mary’s Villa in Sloatsburg, NY. The focus was on improving their vocal performance by working with a singing coach throughout the weekend. They were fortunate to be coached under the direction and guidance of Renee Tramack, the director of the award-winning “New England Voices in Harmony” chorus from Nashua, New Hampshire. Renee also sings bass with “Taken 4 Granite”, Harmony Inc’s 2016 International Quartet Champions, and she shared her talents and expertise with Harmony in Motion’s chorus members throughout the weekend to help improve their vocal and performance skills.
Harmony in Motion will be applying these new skills at their upcoming big show in September, for which they have been busy planning. “A Jersey Journey” will take place on September 17th at 3 p.m. in the auditorium of Kittatinny Regional High School. Their featured guests for this show will be “Gimme Four”, an entertaining, award-winning and multi-talented men’s a cappella quartet. Tickets will be going on sale in the near future, and more information will be made available by visiting their new website at or their new Facebook page,
Funding has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council. Rehearsals for this women’s a cappella chorus are held weekly on Monday nights from 7-9:30 p.m. at Bristol Glen in Newton, and they always welcome new potential members.