Parliamo Italiano, or Let's speak Italian

By Rose Sgarlato
SPARTA — Whether you are looking to impress your significant other at an Italian restaurant or you just need a night out, Train Creative’s upcoming Beginner Italian Crash Course on Monday, Jan.23 will fit the bill.
The 90-minute class from 6 to 7:30 PM will be taught by Linda Grinthal, Italophile and owner of Sunset View Farm In Andover Township. The cost is $25 per person and proceeds will benefit the Sunset Vista Community Garden & Learning Center.
The funds earned are specifically for an accessible port-a-john at Sunshine Garden, a garden on the farm for people with limited mobility and paralysis to partake in and grow food.
Grinthal, formerly Linda Puntasecca, lived in Italy and has previously held Italian classes at her farm:
“People were asking for more classes and since it’s winter I thought it would be great to partner with Train Creative. And although raising money for a porta john is not a glamorous fund-raiser item, it’s a very necessary item for our physically challenged gardeners. “
Grinthal adds that donors in the past have helped to fund the accessible garden, the accessible recreation area and the Educational Children’s Garden. This time around she is looking to raise $1200 and has $200 thus far.
The class will be a total immersion in the Italian lessons geared towards beginners or those who need a refresher course and useful handouts will be provided for participants to take home.
“There will be no history, no culture, no chit-chat or wasted class time. This is a learn the language session,” said Grinthal.
But that doesn’t mean people can’t have fun. Train Creative and Grinthal are encouraging people to come in groups and BYOV (Bring Your Own Vino) because Italian appetizers will be served.
Train Creative is excited about expanding their cultural offerings to the community:
“As a new nonprofit organization, we understand the challenges of getting off the ground and the importance of raising funds so we are thrilled to partner with a deserving organization in need of support. “ said Katelyn Leondi, Director of Train Creative. “Linda Grinthal and Sunset Vista Community Farms have supported Train Creative from our inception and we are delighted to provide a home for Italian classes at the Sparta Train Station.”
And Grinthal is planning to expand upon the beginner course with six more sessions and possibly an intermediate class in the near future.
“It should be fun-there will be Italian music too. I’m told I bring Italy wherever I go,” said Grinthal.
To register for Beginner Italian Crash Course, visit
Sunset Vista Community Garden & Learning Center is a non-profit 501c3 organization located at Sunset View Farm on Pierce Road. The farm has a community -supported garden with 50 plots, a learning center and various educational programs including wellness workshops that reach out to local places of employment.
Train Creative ( is a facilitator of creative training experiences and events, and provides community access to comfortable, affordable, and well- maintained spaces to teach and learn. Classes are held at the new Sparta Train Station, a nonprofit organization preserved for the use and enjoyment of the community.