Newton sophomore selected to state FLBA committee
Newton. Newton High School sophomore Andrew Stone has been selected to the Ne Jersey state Future Business Leaders of America Community Service Committee. He is the first Newton student to receive a position like this.

Sophomore Andrew Stone has recently been selected as a member to the New Jersey State, Future Business Leaders of America Community Service Committee.
The community service committee is focused on organizing and executing FBLA community service initiatives throughout the state of New Jersey. This is the first time a student at Newton High School has received such a position.
Through a lengthy application process, Stone was able to showcase his leadership and astounding qualities: Starting his own sports memorabilia business, treasurer of Newton High School’s FBLA, Sophomore class president, and member of several other clubs at Newton High School. Stone will collaborate with the NJ FBLA Community Service Vice President and create resources to help other FBLA chapters with community service-related events, projects, and fundraisers.