The Town of Newton has issued a proclamation of local emergency.
"To all citizens and persons within the Town of Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey, and to all departments, divisions, and bureaus of the municipal government of the Town of Newton, New Jersey:
Whereas, pursuant to the powers vested me by N.J.S.A. App. A-9-30 et. seq.; N.J.S.A. 40:48-1, et. sec.; and by ordinances adopted by Town of Newton, including Code Section 3-83, we have declared that a local disaster/emergency exists within the Town of Newton; and
Whereas, the aforesaid laws authorize the promulgation of such orders, rules and regulations, as are necessary to meet the various problems which have or may be presented by such a disaster/emergency; and
Whereas, by reason of the existing COVID-19 pandemic and advice from the State and Federal government, including the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, it has been determined that conditions exist which may affect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the Town of Newton; and
Whereas, the aforesaid laws authorize the promulgation of such orders, rules and regulations, as are necessary to meet the various problems which have or may be presented by such a disaster/emergency; and
Whereas, by reason of the existing COVID-19 pandemic and advice from the State and Federal government, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it has been determined that conditions exist which may affect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the Town of Newton; and
Whereas, it has been determined that all of the Town of Newton should be then declared in a state of emergency, and further that certain measures must be taken to ensure authorities will not be hampered in their efforts to maintain law and order as well as an orderly flow of traffic and further to protect the persons and property of the residents affected by the conditions within the Town of Newton.
Now, therefore, in accordance with the aforesaid laws, we do hereby promulgate and declare this proclamation shall be in addition to all other laws of the State of New Jersey and the Town of Newton effective 5:00 p.m. on March, 13, 2020. The Addendum contains the following specifics: Now, therefore in accordance with the aforesaid laws, we hereby promulgate and declare the following regulations shall be in addition to all other laws of the State of New Jersey, the County of Sussex, and the Town of Newton.
1 Traffic Control Meausres ot ensure the orderly flow of traffic in and aorund Newton Medical Center.
2. Restricting access to the Newton Municipal Building and other municipal facilities.
3. Restricting the number of meetings to be held at the Newton Municipal Building and other facilities.
For information, call 973-383-3521.