Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun
![Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun Photos by Laurie Gordon Lodge Administrator Pete Pirmann and Lodge Governor Bill Lunger enjoy the clam bake.](
![Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun Members of the Weber family. Judge Fredric Weber (bottom right) isa Moose and his daughter, Dr. Heidi Weber (standing behind him) is a Woman of the Moose.](
![Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun Clams, clams, clams!](
![Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun Lodge members prep the clams for the event.](
![Moose Lodge serves up clams, music and fun Live entertainment added to the festivities.](
By Laurie Gordon
NEWTON — It was all about clams on Saturday at Newton Moose Lodge 432. The public was invited to enjoy the new Moose Lodge, its grounds, some great music and a whole lot of clams. Proceeds went to a number of charities that the Moose support, and the event even included a “Moose Mobile” to get folks to and from the event.
"Our 31st annual clam bake went off like clock work. We had a wonderful turnout and the food was outstanding. Everyone who attended had a great time," said Lodge Administrator Pete Pirmann, “Another great event.”
Judge Frederic Weber, of Fredon, said, "The Newton Moose Lodge Clam Bake was well organized, better than ever at their new facility. The food was incredible. We've been going for quite a few years and I think this was the best one that they have ever had."
His daughter, Dr. Heidi Weber, added, "Once again, the Newton Moose Lodge hosted a wonderful community event. The proceeds from the Clam Bake support the charities in which the Moose lodge is involved. I was happy to see such a great turn out on Saturday."
Moose Lodge 432 is enjoying its new home into which it moved on Superbowl Sunday. The lodge had previously been located on the other side of Newton, but had been looking for larger quarters. Now located on Swartswood Road, members have redone the inside of the building and recently added a park-like outdoor setting which was fully utilized at the clam bake.
For those who don't know, Moose Lodges trace their roots back to 1888 when founder Henry Wilson established the first lodge, in Louisville, Ky. During its formative years, the Moose served modest goals of offering men an opportunity to gather socially, care for one another's needs and celebrate life together. Pierman said, "Back in the 1800s, we didn't have health care, so guys –including the Moose, the Elks and the Lions – got together, and if one of them passed away, they took care of the family of the deceased." He added that the primary goal of the Moose is to take care of sick children, "but in addition, there ere so many people and organizations we help."
The Mooseheart Child City and School is a 1,000-acre campus located near Chicago that cares for children and teens in need, and seniors are cared for at Moosehaven, a 70-acre retirement in Jacksonville, Fla. With a combined membership of over 1,000,000 members, the Moose presence is felt in over 1,500 communities across all 50 states, four Canadian provinces, and Great Britain and Bermuda. The organization contributes between $75 million and $100 million worth of community services (monetary donations, volunteer hours and miles driven) annually.
The Moose aren't just for men. It's female counter-part is The Women of the Moose, chapter 1830, and the groups share the lode and work together to organize fundraisers for a plethora of really good causes including those for people who have fallen into hard times and countless events to benefit children.
On September 10, the Moose Lodge will hold a Flea Market/Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is rain or shine and they are offering tables for $20 each for people to bring things to sell including garage sale items, craft items, home made goods, etc. Food and refreshments will be available throughout the day, and the event will be held at the Lodge on Swartswood Road.
On Monday, September 12, the Moose Lodge will host a golf outing with proceeds going to the Children of Mooseheart. The 3rd Annual Moose is Loose Golf Outing will be held at Farmstead Golf and Country Club. Advance tickets are $100 and must be purchased by September 5. Day-of-event tickets are $120. Contact the lodge to purchase tickets and for further information.
On September 18, the Lodge will hold “Moose-Hop” Pancake breakfast from 8 to 11 am. Tickets will be $8 for adults and $3 for children nine and under. On October 1st, the Lodge will hold its Christmas in October. Contact the Lodge for further details.
Those interested in becoming a member of Moose Lodge 432 or The Women of the Moose are encouraged to visit the lodge. After two visits, if membership is sought, one is sponsored by an existing member then membership dues are $20 for initiation then $35 per year. Members enjoy discounted prices for drinks and can attend twice-monthly meetings and lots of Moose functions. The Lodge is located at 214 Swartswood Road in Newton, and the number is 973-579-1846. They are also on Facebook.