Meet the royal court of Hamburg
Hamburg. The borough recently held its Miss, Little Miss, and Little Mr. Hamburg contests.

Smiling faces and a sunny day — that’s what greeted the judges for this year’s Miss, Little Miss and Little Mr. Hamburg contests.
The July 11 celebration presented by the Borough of Hamburg kept everyone smiling as the younger contestants happily talked about everything from pet names to summer vacation.
Miss Hamburg contestants were asked about school involvement, future plans, and more. It was a close contest for Miss Hamburg this year, with contestants having to answer a tie-breaking question about what they loved about growing up in Hamburg.
Contestant Vanessa Hasbrouck All the benefits of a small town and yet rural. “I love the fact that I can be going down a road and wind up behind a tractor,” she said.
Hamburg’s court for 2021:
● Miss Hamburg – Vanessa Hasbrouck
● Little Miss – Grace Zicarelli
● Little Mr. – Jaxon Willey