Kindergarten class adopts a soldier

| 06 Dec 2018 | 10:27

Netcong - Ms. Vicedomini's Kindergarten class at Netcong Elementary School in Netcong has been learning that this time of year is about giving as well as receiving. After learning about Veteran's Day, her students expressed interest learning about all branches of the military and discovered the sacrifices of soldiers. So this year the class will adopt a soldier deployed overseas. The program encourages sending letters and care packages to U.S. soliders. The class was soon given the name of a soldier and items that he and his platoon might need. With the help of students and their families, Ms. V's class collected pens, pencils, crossword puzzles, drink mixes and snacks. They also colored a "thank you" picture and signed individual letters, and came up with questions for the soldier. The package was sent on Nov. 20, 2018, and the students anxiously await a response. The experience will provide kindergartners with a concept not easily taught; the concept of selfless giving. The program suggests sending multiple care packages and letters throughout a soldier's deployment. To donate items for the kindergartners to pass on to the solidier and his platoon, contact the teacher by sending email to To learn about the program or find a soldier to adopt, visit