Hopatcong Woman’s Club plants garden sign at Maxim Glen
HOPATCONG. The sign gives recognition to club members’ hard work in maintaining the garden.

Members of Hopatcong Woman’s Club recently gathered to celebrate their newly planted sign that will accompany the garden at Maxim Glen (201-211 Route 607, Hopatcong), which club members have planted and continually maintain for the community.
In a press release, the Hopatcong Woman’s Club noted that, despite the “brutally hot day,” they gave special thanks to Betsy and Rick Adey, who dug the hole and did the “dirty work” so that the ladies could “look pretty” for the photo. After the photo, the group headed to a local establishment for lunch.
The Hopatcong Woman’s Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month, from September through May, at the Elba Point Beach Club building located at 30 Ithanell Road, Hopatcong, at 10:30 a.m. There is no fee to attend a meeting and all are welcome. Follow the club on Facebook or check out the club’s website at HopatcongWC.webs.com.
To learn more about helping the club, or joining as a member, contact member Chairperson Lisa Hirschfeld at 973-479-9228 or email: lisah101@optonline.net.