Hopatcong students learn about cyber civics

| 21 Mar 2019 | 11:27

    Hopatcong - Last week Durban Avenue students attended the "Don't Press Send Workshop: An education in Cyber Civics." The mission is “to provide children with strategies as they navigate the ever-changing technological world, by promoting kind and careful online communication, in the hope of preventing them from harming themselves or others."
    Melissa Kennedy, the School Counselor, and members of the Student Culture and Climate Team welcomed and introduced presenter and founder, Katie Duffy Schumacher.
    Students followed up this workshop by adding safety tips to the morning announcements. The main focus has been Don't Press Send Campaign's "Digital Detox: Mindful Monday, Tech-Free Tuesday, Web-Withdrawl Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday, Freedom Friday, Social Saturday and Simple Sunday." Parents / guardians were also invited to attend this workshop and students were sent home with an informative packet of resources to share with their families.The school extends thanks to HEPTO for funding the assembly.
    Further information can be found on the main website: https://www.dontpresssend.org/