Help an aspiring Eagle give comfort to the homeless
Sparta. Vincenzo LaPilusa of Sparta is raising money for his “Bags for Hope” Eagle Scout project, which will provide Family Promise clients with pillows, sheets, blankets, socks, and toiletries.

Vincenzo LaPilusa, 15, of Sparta is still working diligently on his Boy Scouts Eagle Project. COVID-19 slowed him down, but he remains committed to his project’s success. He needs your help.
Vincenzo’s project beneficiary is Family Promise of Sussex County. He wants to provide homeless individuals and families with something that gives them comfort. His idea to stuff duffel bags, or what Vincenzo calls “Bags for Hope,” came about when he found out that the people in the church program don’t even have their own pillows.
Many times, they have lost everything. Vincenzo wants to provide the comfort of a duffel bag jammed-packed with a pillow, sheet set, blanket, towel, socks and toiletries. There will also be books and toys.
Each “Bag for Hope” costs about $100. Vincenzo has raised some funds toward his target of 50 duffel bags but would really like to reach his stretch goal of 100 bags.
This week, Vincenzo has teamed up with the Equine Tranquility Wellness Center in Andover. Colleen O’Dea has offered her horses so Vincenzo can ride 50 miles in 5 days -- and, hopefully, people will give him a donation to support his project.
Any donation will be greatly appreciated. The short goal is $5,000 and the larger goal is $10,000.
People may donate either under Vincenzo’s GoFundMe page ( or with the Venmo QR that O’Dea has allowed Vincenzo to use. O’Dea is also sponsoring a silent auction for Rambo; visit for information. The silent auction will feature sports items from the Jets, Giants, and other local teams.
A horse by the name of Rambo was very sick this summer. Donations may be made to the Equine Tranquility Wellness Center through to help offset Rambo’s vet bills as well.