Green Girl Scout receives Gold Award

| 16 May 2012 | 01:55

GREEN — Girl Scout Amanda Norman received her Gold Award at a recent ceremony at the Green Township Municipal Building. The honor is the highest a Girl Scout can earn and involves completing various prerequisites and a final project that must take a minimum of 65 hours and benefit the scout’s community. Norman lives in Green Township and is currently a senior at Newton High School. She has been a Girl Scout for the past twelve years and was able to earn her Bronze and Silver Awards as a Junior and Cadette Girl Scout. At Newton High School, she is an officer of the National Honor Society, serves as a Peer Leader, and participates in the Consumer Bowl. She has played field hockey for the Lady Braves for the past four years. She also swims for the high school swim team and has earned her varsity letter for the past four years. Norman is an active member of her church’s youth group and spends a week each summer volunteering to help the needy on mission trips. In the fall she is planning to attend York College of Pennsylvania where she will study early childhood education and special education. Norman's final project involved planning and running a science fair at Green Hills Elementary School. With the help of science teachers from the school, she was able to organize the project and solicit judges from Newton High School. Leaders from the Green Township Girl Scouts Service Unit, family and friends supported her project with donations and help on the day of the fair. Over 70 students from third to seventh grade signed up to participate in the fair, which took place on May 5, 2011. Norman said she is grateful to all of the people who helped her make the science fair a huge success.