On 9/11 I was in Denver, Colorado and was awakened by a phone call from my daughter who normally worked in the World Trade Center, to let me know she was in South Carolina on business and that she had just heard of the plane crashing into one of the towers.
My initial thought was of the plane that hit the Empire State building in 1945.
As I turned on the TV and while we were speaking, the second plane hit. Obviously, this was not an accident, and my thoughts immediately went to the welfare of my family and friends back in NYC.
For me, returning to NYC was imperative. With great difficulty, I rented a car and drove the 1,800 miles, arriving about 5 pm on September 12. Along the drive, I was overwhelmed by the concerns expressed by everyone I met.
Although my role in the FDNY wasn’t medical, per se, I felt that my services could be utilized at Ground Zero. I arrived there at 8 a.m. on September 13 and served in the FDNY Mobile Command Center for two weeks. It was heart wrenching each time I became aware of the death of each of the many firefighters and officers that I had the honor of knowing. The horror of Ground Zero and the despair of seeing New Yorkers seeking their lost ones is forever etched in my memory.
Editor’s note: Dr. Marc B. Kramer is a Milford, Pa., resident.