Fettes named Best in Show Master
AUGUSTA. Awards presented in the annual photography exhibit at the New Jersey State Fair-Sussex County Farm & Horse Show.

Mary Fettes won the Best in Show Master award in the annual photography exhibit at the New Jersey State Fair-Sussex County Farm & Horse Show.
Tyler Walker was named Best in Show, Adult Amateur, and Roseann DuCasse received the Fassbender Best in Show Adult Amateur Advanced award.
Nathaniel Burke won Best in Show in the student category.
Other contest winners:
• Most Creative Student: Megan Vreeland.
• Most Creative Adult: Briane Castelluccio.
• Sussex County Award Student: Destiny Cerracchio.
• Sussex County Award Adult: Virginia Kolstad.
The exhibit is open to any resident of Sussex County, any registered student of a school or college, or a current member of a camera club in Sussex County.
The three clubs are Photographers of Sussex County, Sparta Camera Club and the Vernon Camera Club. There are no residency requirements for any of the clubs.
There were 481 photos entered this year.
Grouped by age and skill level, participants ranged from age 3 to 18 in the Student Division and age 19 and older in the two Adult Divisions.
The Adult Divisions are divided by skill, with limited experience as Adult Amateurs and having some training or wins as Adult Amateur Advanced. Experienced professionals and photographers with more wins are in the Masters Division.
Adult contest categories include country life, flowers, wild/zoo animals, domestic animals, birds, still life, insects, landscapes, waterscapes, humor, architecture and portraits.
There is a separate category for all monochrome (black and white) images for adults.
Photo Art/Composites, which includes some of the more advanced post-processing techniques, also are a category. No creation using artificial intelligence (AI) is accepted.
“Our photography exhibit remains the largest public show in the region and keeps gaining in popularity,” said exhibit organizer Eileen Stemley. “Each year, it attracts visitors from the tri-state region and beyond.”
For details about the exhibit, contact Stemley at stemcenter@aol.com