Choral Evensong today at Newton church
NEWTON. Evensong, the choral version of the Evening Prayer liturgy used in the Anglican tradition, will be sung by the Christ Church Newton Senior Choir.

Christ Episcopal Church, 62 Main St., Newton, will offer Choral Evensong at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 5 in observation of All Soul’s Day.
Evensong, the choral version of the Evening Prayer liturgy used in the Anglican tradition, will be sung by the Christ Church Newton Senior Choir under the direction of music director Joe Mello.
The service will feature the “Evening Service” by John Merbecke, “Magnificat” and “Nunc dimittis” in F by Harold Friedell, and the anthem “Requiem” by Eliza Gilkyson, as arranged for choir by Craig Hella Johnson. Four congregational hymns also will be sung.
“We invite the public to join our spectacular choir in prayer and song as we commemorate those whom we love, but see no longer,” said the Rev. Chris Streeter, priest-in-charge at Christ Church Newton, and a member of the Senior Choir.
The event is free and open to the public, although a free will offering will be received.
For information, call 973-383-2245 or go online to