Camp Auxilium honors veterans

| 20 Nov 2013 | 10:42

The Camp Auxilium children and staff welcomed and honored veterans and Senator Oroho at the morning assembly.

The Camp Auxilium Kindergarten Class saluted and children cheered for: Matt Maines, ACZ (AW) NAVY; David Williams, EH, ARMY; Thomas Valleau, Lieutenant, NAVY; Joe Hull, Corporal, MARINES; Mike Petriello, Sergeant, Air Force; Fred MacDonald, Sergeant, Air Force; John Runge, E 4, Army; Craig La Mudge, Master Sergeant, Air Force; Robert Driscoll, Senior Admiral, Air Force; Leonard Crocken, Sergeant, Marines; Michael Sprung, Sergeant, MarinesS; Wallace Struble, Marines.

A Power Point presentation was put together sharing the many reasons to thank veterans — freedom to play, freedom to pray and worship, go to school, celebrate with family and friends, and learn to help others.

Each veteran was given a seal of the branch in which they served, and placed it on the world map for the children to see and learn how near or far they have traveled.

Veterans filled their goodie bags with hand-made cards made by the children. In return, the veterans handed students an American Flag which would be used to sing patriotic songs.

Children sang “This Land is your Land, this Land is my Land,” and “God Bless America” and waved their American Flag in the Camp Auxilium Hall. Senator Oroho closed the assembly by thanking the veterans and inviting everyone to give them a standing ovation.