Byram Intermediate visits D.C.

BYRAM Byram Intermediate Schools eighth grade class enjoyed another successful trip to Washington D.C. this past June. On May 30, the eighth-graders came to school bright and early in order to load onto the charter buses on their way to Washington. Parents waved goodbye as their children began their three-day venture to the nations capital. On the way down to Washington, all three buses stopped at Maryland House Visitors Center to pick up the field trip tour guides, as well as grab a delicious bite to eat. After this quick stop, the convoy was off to the capital itself. The group visited the World War II memorial and the Natural and American History Museums on the first night. Many students were visibly affected by the solemnity of the memorials. On the second day, the students and chaperones started off by seeing the Lincoln, Vietnam War, and Korean War Memorials. At each stop, the tour guides delivered fascinating facts to the students that helped them learn more about the different points in our nations history. After the visits to the monuments, the group visited Arlington National Cemetery. Many students reported that witnessing the Changing of the Guard ceremony was the highlight of the trip. After that, students returned to the hotel for an ice cream dance party with hip tunes and delicious treats. On the final day, students enjoyed the FDR, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Jefferson Memorials before departing on the return trip. After three full days of sight-seeing, each student was thoroughly exhausted from what was an exciting trip.