Byram Day honors volunteers; offers fun

BYRAM — Saturday’s Byram Day had to be postponed due to the threat of severe weather, but Mother Nature provided a beautiful day on Sunday for the event in Neil Gylling Memorial Park.
The theme celebrated volunteers and local businesses, community leaders and residents came out prove that right.
Festivities began with a flag ceremony from Scout Troops 276 and 151, Pledge of Allegiance led by 2011 Miss Byram Allyson Salmon, "The Star Spangled Banner" sung by DJ Oswin and a short speech by Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen.
Mayor Jim Oscovitch addressed the crowd, giving kudos to the area businesses and organizations. “Events like Byram Day are part of the fabric of America. It’s a great time with great people who are compassionate and lend a helping hand when needed."
Director of Byram Parks and Recreation Janet Meisner, then took to the stage to recognize John Pappalardo, a local who was nominated and won the Volunteer of the Year Award for the entire state of New Jersey for lending a helping hand over four decades.
He organized the first Byram Day back in 1974 and for seven years thereafter and has coached Byram Little League baseball and football at Pope John. He continues to volunteer for the Knights of Columbus and Blessed Kateri Church where he is a trustee.
He said, “You can’t be a volunteer without others to help you. There are so many other people behind the scenes that don’t get recognized and I couldn’t have done this for 45 years without them.”
The family festivities continued throughout the afternoon, with food, vendors, fun-filled games and rides, and live music by the water by the band On Break.
Members of the Lakeland Emergency Squad were on hand to give free blood pressure checks and to answer questions. The squad, of 40+ active members, is 100 percent volunteer and is always looking for more people to join their ranks. They serve Byram and Andover Townships and Andover Borough by responding to 1,200 calls annually and operate a countywide rehab trailer to be at the scene of fires in case firefighters need medical attention.
The Byram Historical Society opened the doors of the Roseville School Museum on Mansfield Road to the public. The organization helps maintain records, photographs, and items from as far back as the 1860s. During the year, they provide tours of the one-room schoolhouse and offer a fascinating glimpse of what education as like from that time period.
Demonstrations throughout the day included Mike Stabile from Wild West City wowing the crowd with his ropes and sound-barrier-breaking whips; instructors Dan Wallace and Andy West from Rising Fist Martial Arts in Stanhope showing karate moves, breaking wood blocks, and the use of sai and bo kata; the Lenape Valley cheerleaders, dancers from Generations of Dance, and NJ Fitness and Dance delighted the audience with their synchronized routines.
After eating 10 hot dogs in seven minutes, Brett 'Jar Head' Hughes of Port Murray won the Salty Dawg Hot Dog Eating Contest sponsored by Salt Gastropub.
There was also a pizza-eating contest sponsored by Frank’s Trattoria.
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