Boy Scout basics

Sun-up on July 25 saw Boy Scout Troop 85 departed Andover for their annual canoe trip. This year's destination was Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Eight scouts and 10 adult leaders camped out for the night.
Early the next morning they packed up camp and stowed their belongings in their canoes. They were ready to put it and begin their adventure. Throughout their five-day excursion, they wandered through eleven lakes, numerous rivers and streams travelling more than 50 miles. They traversed through fourteen portages where they carried their gear and boats over treacherous wilderness trails when waterways became impassible. Numerous scouting skills were practiced and improved upon along the way. The trek proved to be a great learning experience for the all scouts.
On the way back home to New Jersey, the troop stopped at Wellesley Island on the St. Lawrence River for the night. The following morning they travelled to Alexandria Bay, NY, for an international boat tour of The Thousand Islands. The troop arrived home on the evening of Aug. 1, fatigued but with a great sense of accomplishment.
This article was written by Jack Ryan in partial completion of the requirements for the Communications merit badge.