Kittatinny Valley State Park recently saw 13 volunteers come to help pick up roadside trash during the park’s monthly “Rid Litter Day” in Andover Township, which helps keep the park and surrounding environment clean and trash free.
The next Rid Litter Day is scheduled for Friday, September 2, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at 199 Goodale Road, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Newton. This next cleanup day will cover the 2.5-mile round-trip walk along Goodale Road. This event is designed for teens and adults. Litter pickers, bags, gloves and reflective safety vests will be provided.
To register for the next cleanup event, visit the following link: bit.ly/3A0XkKM.
Kittatinny Valley State Park is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call 973-786-6445.