4 running for 2 Hopatcong council seats

HOPATCONG. Four Republicans are competing for two seats on the Borough Council in the June 4 primary.

| 29 May 2024 | 02:57

Four Republicans are running for two seats on the Borough Council in the June 4 primary.

Michael Francis and John Young are running on one slate and Esad “Steve” Kucevic and Joseph Falconi are running on another slate.

Incumbents Dawn Roberts and Ryan Smith did not file to run for re-election.

No Democrats have filed to run in the general election in November.

Here are the candidates’ statements:


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

Hopatcong has always been home for me, but what I have noticed over the years is that my hometown has started to lose its identity.

Growing up in a small town put a chip on your shoulder; it gave you determination, gave you grit. Our motto was ‘small town big dreams’ and that’s what made this town so great.

However, somewhere along the way, this town lost its identity; it lost its grit, its determination to always strive for greatness.

Well, that’s why I am running. I am determined to help make people feel proud to call Hopatcong home.

I want people to hold their head up high when they walk around their community and see beautiful clean parks, buzzing streets, active communities and strong infrastructure - yeah, this is Hopatcong, my hometown, and I am proud to say I live here.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

One is to change the culture of Hopatcong. As I stated previously, I feel that the notion of “Hopatcong Pride” has lost its way. The people of Hopatcong deserve something better, to be proud when they say, yes, I live here.

In order to do so, we need to change the narrative and progressions of our schools, we need to invest in our infrastructure (roadways, buildings, parks) and finally our overall vision of what our future should look like.

We cannot be a town where we think frivolous spending and not reinvesting in our town is sustainable, where our parks and recreation facilities are empty and dilapidated, where our school buildings are falling apart, and where roadways and sidewalks are too dangerous to even walk on.

It won’t be easy. It will take tough conversations, progressive thinking and determination, but I am confident we can turn this ship around in very short time.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I believe I have what it takes to be as real as possible with my fellow residents. Tough conversations need to happen and they will happen, but I believe in this town.

We need to look the people of Hopatcong in the eye and say enough is enough, we are at a very pivotal crossroads in town, do we let the ship sink or do we find our way again?

I have been very fortunate to have a great deal of success in my professional life; the easy thing is to sell the house, wave goodbye to Hopatcong as it passes in my rearview mirror and move on to greener pastures.

But I am not built that way. This town is part of the reason why I have been successful in life - its home to my two boys, my wife, parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, nieces, and very close circle of friends and colleagues. I plan to make it as fruitful and enjoyable for them as it was to me.

It’s time for a change, and I am person who can help bring thoughts and ideas into action.

Background and qualifications.

I am open book. My cell phone number is (973) 459-0075 and email is joefalconi7@gmail.com

I am more than happy to answer any questions, concerns or comments as well as just talk about your feelings about the town in general.


No statement submitted.


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

Having just finished my tenure as fire chief and wanting to continue serving my community, running for council is the next logical step where I can make a significant impact.

I believe in the Hopatcong for Excellence Team’s ideals and core values and think I will be an asset to this team as we listen to and serve the residents of Hopatcong.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) Manage spending to be more effective and less wasteful.

2) Create a more meaningful connection between the lake, residents and businesses for a more unified community.

3) Minimize taxpayer expense. Prioritize and improve Hopatcong’s roads using as much grant funding as possible.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

As a volunteer firefighter for the past 24 years and as chief for the previous 12 years, I have significant knowledge of the town and infrastructure, operations, budgeting requirements and people management.

I also have considerable experience coordinating with multiple local, county and state agencies to accomplish common goals.

Background and qualifications.

Hopatcong resident for 28 years. Married and proud father of three children. First-generation American, born in Montenegro.

Hopatcong Fire Department Company #2 chief (2011-2023). Hopatcong Fire Department life member. President of the Sussex County Firemen’s Association (2022). Sussex County Firemen’s Association life member.

New York City Department of Buildings licensed construction superintendent.

Supporter of emergency services. Northwood Community Association member. Community advocate for residents in need.


No statement submitted.