100 attend Family Fun Day
STANHOPE. The borough’s Recreation Commission has organized the free event for about five years at Lake Musconetcong Park.

Despite temperatures near 90 degrees, high humidity and a chance of thunderstorms, more than 100 residents attended Stanhope Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 14.
The annual event was postponed from Saturday, July 13 because of rain in the forecast.
Mayor Gene Wronko said the borough’s Recreation Commission has organized the free event for about five years at Lake Musconetcong Park.
Children’s activities included cornhole, clown toss and shooting cups with a water gun, which drew a crowd, in addition to a bounce house.
The Fire Department stationed a ladder truck on the closed section of road to spray water on those looking to cool off.
A DJ played music and there was popcorn, cotton candy, watermelon slices and root beer.
Wronko and borough staffers held raffles for children to win prizes.