Girl Scouts expand their horizons with visit to equestrian farm
Green Twp. - On Saturday, Sept. 10, Green Township Junior Girl Scout Troop 720 from the Lenni-Lenape Girl Scout Council spent the afternoon at Spring Valley Equestrian Center located in Newton. The Scouts' goal was to complete two badges called Horse Fan and Horse Rider, which encourage learning new skills such as trotting, maneuvering, mounting and dismounting, use of equipment and commanding the horse. The young riders learned about caring for the horses and equipment, keeping the horses healthy through proper diet, horse anatomy, types of horses, careers in riding, cost of maintaining and showing a horse, proper clothing, as well as some classic cowboy ballads. Each girl was able to ride the horse for an hour. For many of the girls, this was their first experience riding a horse. By the end of the afternoon all the Girl Scouts had bonded with their horses and wanted to come back for a long trail ride which the center also offers. The Spring Valley Equestrian Center is located at 56 Paulinskill Road in Newton. For information on the programs and services provided at the center, contact Christine Land at 973-383-3766.