Feline behaviorist trains cats
NEWTON. Camille Re says cats don’t learn the same way that dogs do.

Camille Re’s motto: “Cats are not just pets, they’re family.”
Combining that with her intense love of animals, she has become the first certified feline behaviorist in Sussex County.
Re works at the Animal Hospital of Sussex County in Newton.
She graduated from the Animal Behavior College, then was certified as a feline behaviorist and trainer. She also is certified in pet massage, first aid, and pet nutrition and diet.
A cat and dog owner for more than 40 years, Re has been involved with shelter cats; rescue, trap and release efforts; cat shows; and feline rescue organizations.
Contrary to what most people believe, cats can be trained, she said. They can be taught to sit and lie down, but more importantly, they can be trained by rewarding them with treats or praise.
“Negative reinforcement, like hitting, screaming at or use of a water bottle, is a no-no.”
According to Re, cats don’t learn the same way that dogs do. Dogs aim to please their owners. While cats do please their owners, they mostly please themselves.
She provides behavioral consultations in counter jumping, aggression, destructive scratching, biting, multiple house cat problems, compulsive behaviors and other problems.
She also plans to hold clinics for families on how to select their “purrfect” feline friend.
Another clinic will help parents teach their children dos and don’ts and basic rules of caring for their new cat. Re will assist with the “catification” of homes, discussing litter boxes, toys, carriers and the importance of playtime.
“Cats are therapeutic; it’s a fact that petting a cat will lower blood pressure significantly,” she explained.
“I think I have the coolest job in the world,” she added.
For information, contact Re at 862-812-0639 or send email to HelpMeowtCFB@gmail.com