Body art ordinance passes in Ogdensburg
Ogdensburg. The borough council also hears residents’ complaints about oversized trucks and other highway issues, and gives updates on walking path, playground, and pond.

After a public hearing on Sept. 14, the Ogdensburg Council unanimously passed an ordinance allowing tattoo, body piercing, and body art businesses to operate in the borough.
At an earlier meeting, Mayor George Hutnick said the council introduced the ordinance because a business wants to open in the borough and requires a license.
In other business
● Salt shed roof: Councilman Anthony Nasisi said the salt shed roof would be completed last weekend.
● Predmore Road: Mayor George Hutnick said Predmore Road is underway with designs, plans, and Department of Environmental Protection approval. Contrary to a previous article, he said, bog turtles were not found in the road.
● Water tank inspection: Council President Michael Nardini said tank inspections were completed. The township received the inspection report for the little tank and is waiting for the second report. They will go back to the inspectors because details were missed and determine what is required as opposed to what is recommended. The equipment and updates should cost around a few thousand dollars, he said.
● Lifeguard shack exterior: Nardini said, weather permitting, the contractor should finish the shack soon.
● Walking path around ball fields: Mayor Hutnick said officials will do research about the path, put together a plan, and submit it to the land use board. Nasisi offered to donate time and equipment.
● Playground safety: CFO Michael Marceau said a broken slide will need to be replaced by the manufacturer. The township is determining if the company or the borough can install it. In addition, the borough will possibly patch a small section of the basketball courts. Mayor Hutnick said the broken slide should be removed and the area blocked off.
● Ogdensburg Recreational Association garage sale: Mayor Hutnick said the ORA asked to hold a townwide garage sale on Oct. 17 (rain date Oct. 18) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For a $10 donation addresses will be included on a map to be handed out at a concession stand. The ORA hopes to have food trucks at each side of town; the trucks must allow three weeks’ notice for approval.
● Heater’s Pond electricity update: Councilwoman Brenda O’Dell shared a drawing of a map identifying where an electric box would go at the pond, along with a cost estimate. Officials will review the drawings.
● Resident complains about Jake Brakes: Councilwoman O’Dell asked about dropping the speed limit down Kennedy Avenue, where trucks go down using their Jake Brakes at 6:30 a.m. Mayor Hutnick said it is a county road where speed limits were already reduced around ten years ago. He said the police have done an outstanding job monitoring trucks, but that there are more trucks than police. Going forward, the police need to be notified by calling 973-827-3160.
● Parent Teacher Organization fundraiser: Councilwoman O’Dell said the PTO would like to fundraise through a scarecrow competition in borough yards. Residents would pay the PTO to participate by decorating scarecrows and competing for prizes.
● Guardrail request: Resident Craig Taylor asked that the guardrail around the corner of his property be extended. His house and trees have been hit in the past, causing $10,000 in damage, and asked if it was a county issue and road. Mayor Hutnick said the council will look into it.
● Oversized trucks: Dion Derkach asked about the progress regarding signage for over-sized trucks coming down Corkhill Road to the tunnel and damaging private property. He said he has tractor trailer ruts in his lawn, truckers are following GPS and do not see the signs already there. Mayor Hutnick said the signage is a work in process, and that he will check on it. Craig Taylor recommended solar-paneled lighted signs so that trucks do not use certain roads.