Two local family members receive doctorate degrees

| 26 Sep 2012 | 02:08

Is there a doctor in the house? Well, now the Segal family of Highland Lakes can proudly say that there are two doctors in their family.
The first to complete coursework with her doctorate in Holistic Nutrition was Dr. Dani Segal, 56 years of age, who graduated just 3 days before her 26-year-old son, Dr. Noah Segal.
Mom Segal had begun her goal of receiving her Ph.D. 19 years ago, when she made a promise to receive formal nutrition education after she was the kidney donor in a successful transplant with her sister.
While raising her two children, and growing the family business (Healthy Thymes Market) with her husband Dan, she eventually completed two Masters in nutrition, one with a concentration in homeopathy.
Segal received her doctorate from the University and College of Natural Health, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a concentration in sports nutrition.
She has augmented her education and training with extensive studies at Columbia University in New York, taking courses with well-known integrative doctor Andrew Weil, MD, and Paul Stamets, the country’s premier microbiologist, as well as numerous courses on botanical medicine and the use of herbs as medicine. S
egal is a member of the National Association of Nutritional Professionals, the American Botanical Council, the Natural Products Association, and the Herb Research Foundation. She has been involved in the holistic wellness and natural products industry for over 35 years and is passionate about inspiring others to live a joyful life, free of pain & health challenges, without the use of or limiting the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
With the philosophy of “let food be thy medicine” (Hippocrates), and as a certified nutrition practitioner, she offers private consultations, working with her clients to develop individual health protocols using diet, supplements and lifestyle suggestions that may offer a wonderful compliment to a person’s allopathic, medical protocol. Her office is at HealthWorks, 265 Rt. 94, Vernon and can be reached at 973-764-8486 or Look for seminars headed by Dani Segal in the near future.
Dan and Dani Segal’s son, Dr. Noah Segal graduated from Vernon High School in 2003 and received his undergraduate degree with a BS in biology from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, in 2007 with honors and received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the University of Bridgeport Chiropractic School in Connecticut in May, 2012. He graduated Cum Laude Honors.
Established in 1991, the University of Bridgeport’s Program is the nation’s first university-based college of chiropractic, preparing students to be primary health care providers.
Dr. Segal’s education and clinical internship training allows him to diagnose and care for his patients in an evidence-based manner.
In the summer of 2008 he traveled to the Peruvian Rainforest to study healing botanicals with Dr. James Duke, PhD – one of the world’s leading authorities on healing plants and author or The Green Pharmacy.
As a chiropractor, Dr. Segal practices with the relationship between structure and function of the human body, and how that relationship may affect his patient’s restoration and preservation of their health. He confidently improves his patients’ quality of life by focusing on overall wellness, and with a gentle “hands on” approach to healing.
With his wife Tzipora, Noah will be continuing his education at Aish HaTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel, before settling to practice.
Both mom and son are enjoying their accomplishments and continue to be inspired daily by the healing wonders that the human body innately has and the wisdom of nature, and are grateful to be able to share their training on a daily basis.