ESU holds winter commencement ceremony
East Stroudsburg, Pa.. East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania awarded degrees to 486 students at its winter commencement ceremony held Dec. 14, including 406 bachelor’s degrees, 78 master’s degrees, and two doctoral degrees. Local students to graduate are listed here.

Sussex County
Isabelle Becker, Stanhope, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Special Education (PK-8)/Early Childhood
Kevin Costabel, Newton, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Business Management
Kristen English, Branchville, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Athletic Training
Vincent Franco, Newton, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Biology
Rosangela Franco, Andover, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Spanish
Colette Hansen, Newton, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education (PreK-4)
Zachary Lospinuso, Newton, N.J., Bachelor of Arts, Communication
Sarah Mackey, Stillwater, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Special Education (PK-8)/Early Childhood
Brianne McGlone, Wantage, N.J., Master of Education, Reading
Samuel Nubile Sandyston,, N.J., Bachelor of Arts, Communication
Georgeanne Predmore, Lafayette, N.J., Bachelor of Science, Special Education (PK-8)/Elementary Middle
Christian Silva, Newton, N.J., Master of Science, Exercise Science