Top card magician to perform tonight in Sparta
SPARTA. Javi Benitez of Spain will do two shows at Sparta Avenue Stage.

Professional magicians believe that the best card magicians in the world come from Spain.
On Saturday, April 20, one of the very best, Javi Benitez of Spain, will perform at at 5 and 8 p.m. at Sparta Avenue Stage, 10 Sparta Ave. N.
A frequent performer at the world-renowned Magic Castle, Benitez took home the “Fool Us trophy” for his performance on Penn & Teller’s television show “Fool Us.” Penn Jillette said, “That was the best sleight of hand we have ever seen ... every single way, 100 percent, no qualifications, you fooled our ... bad!”
Benitez has received numerous awards, including World Awarded Magician at the International Federation of Magic Societies (FISM) in 2018, Spanish Magician of the Year in 2011 and Spain Champion Winner in 2001.
He also is a teacher and innovator. As the last disciple of “El Maestro” Arturo de Ascanio, Benitez teaches at the Tamariz Magic School.
In his hometown, Seville, he was president of the Spanish Magic Society for six years and has promoted one of the world’s foremost public magic libraries called Fondo Andaluz de Ilusionismo.
“It’s complete serendipity that Javi, an international star of magic, is bringing his close-up show to Sparta,” said Joe Garsetti, Sparta Avenue Stage co-proprietor. “Javi’s technical skills are incredible, but that is just part of the package. He is funny, charming, experimental, with the occasional dramatic flashes of a flamenco dancer. I guess it’s in his blood - he is from Andalucia, Spain, considered the birthplace of flamenco dancing.”
Tickets for the 60-minute performance cost $30 for adults and $25 for senior citizens and students. They may be purchased online at
Benitez will give a special lecture for tri-state area magicians beginning at 1 p.m. It is sponsored by the Society of American Magicians Assemblies #25 and #168 and the International Brotherhood of Magicians Rings #106 and #113. The cost for non-members is $20. Seating is limited.
For information, call Joe at 973-903-6052.